A team of potential entrepreneurs backed up by family business houses came forward and joined hands together to undertake the ventures in trading of different products and manufacturing of items catering to the needs of pharmaceuticals and food industry. With this aim in view, they went into setting up SABISA Multitrade Company Limited through which all source of stones, coals, wheat, sugar and different commodity items to be imported for supplying to the country at large.
In the same token SABISA has also undertaken to make its footprint in Logistics Services including storage, handling, dockyard and transportation of all commodities and products, machineries, equipment, assets, etc. in bulk, bagged, in containerized form on land, air and water, arranging transportation of goods, passengers etc. across the country.
Moreover, believing to be the manufacturing player in the country SABISA has gone into setting up Foil and PVC industry producing different types of foils in supplying to food and pharmaceuticals factories all over the country. SABISA strongly believes that it can only continue to grow if she can ensure its supply chain management both at backward and forward linkages through successful integration into procurement of materials by applying JIT rules and onward delivery to the customer in a timely fashion.
SABISA carries the value ‘Grow with The changes as time will go by’.